MVC: Grain-Mixed Feed-Veterinary-2019 exhibition, one of the most iconic industry events was held from 28th to 30th of January, 2019.
Agro-industrial complex specialists from 28 countries gathered to exchange experience, present new products, technologies and services and to conclude long-term partnerships.
The exhibition has become an excellent start of the 2019 year for all the participants.
Life Force presented its latest development – the Reasil Technology for livestock and poultry. Based on the use of Reasil HumicVet and Reasil Humic Health feed materials and additives, the technology has been successfully tested on many domestic and foreign enterprises, and has been successfully integrated in the feeding matrix at one of Russia's largest agricultural holdings.
The keen interest in Reasil products is due to high performance indicators. For example,
Reasil Technology, introduced into the production cycle of the poultry farm, can increase the profitability of the production of laying hens by 5–15%, and by 10–20 % of broiler chickens.
The participants of the International Congress on feeds were able to learn all the details about Reasil Technology: from active ingredients composition and application guides to the results
of the experiments conducted.
In the framework of the seminar "Feeding and maintenance of agricultural poultry", Alexey Vasilyev, Ph.D. for Agricultural Sciences, professor, a researcher of the Life Force company, made a presentation.
During the exhibition, the company's specialists held a series of scheduled meetings, as well as
a series of negotiations with new partners. Following the three-day work, they concluded agreements with livestock and poultry enterprises in Russia, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Belarus and Ukraine.
Among the guests of Life Force booth were the representatives of the largest Russian enterprises: agricultural production holding Zhdanovsky, agro-industrial holding Miratorg.