Feed material
Reasil ® HumicVet

Liquid water-soluble feed material / supplement of a complex action is developed to normalize the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, to maintain the health of farm animals and poultry, to act as an enterosorbent of toxins in an intestinal tract and to strengthen hepatoprotective function. It is a concentrated solution of high molecular weight humic acids from natural leonardite.

It is a first aid during outbreaks of diseases and during unscheduled veterinary events.

Humic substances: 100 g/l (10% weight/volume).
pH: 10,5−11,5.

Preparative form
dark-brown water-soluble liquid.

  • Offers a quick and point solution of problems in individual spheres of production: it is applied on a separate house or group when necessary.
  • Improves the immune response at vaccination and minimizes the risks of post-vaccination complications.
  • During the period of veterinary interventions, it is used as an additional support measure as well as an instrument to reduce the antimicrobial withdrawal period for complete removal of antimicrobial and antibacterial residues.
  • In the treatment of outbreaks of gastrointestinal diseases of various etiologies, it is used to normalize the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract and maintain the health.
  • Increases the livability of young livestock animals and birds, reduces stress and improves immunity.
  • Minimizes disturbances in the activity of the gastrointestinal tract when transfer the young stock from wet to dry type of feeding. Young animals get used to dry feeds quicker due to the recognition of the taste and smell of humic acids (when using Reasil Humic Health in dry feeds).
Timing and recommended rates of application

Reasil HumicVet is applied for all types of farm animals and poultry through the water supply or medication systems selectively for separate groups and poultry houses or animals barns. The minimum course of use is 7 days or throughout the entire period of the main therapy.
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