Humate & Micro Life Force

Liquid humic fertilizer
A liquid product fertilizer based on humic acids from leonardite and microelements. It increases reproduction and biological activity of plants, enhances stress resistance and immunity.

Potassium and Sodium humate: 170 g/l (17.0% w/v*)
Humic and fulvic acids: 120 g/l (12.0% w/v)
Total nitrogen (N): 3.2 g/l (0.32% w/v)
Potassium (K2O): 15.0 g/l (1.5% w/v)
Iron (Fe): 3.0 g/l (0.3% w/v)
Manganese (Mn): 2.5 g/l (0.25% w/v)
Zinc (Zn): 2.0 g/l (0.2% w/v)
Boron (B): 1.0 g/l (0.1% w/v)
Molybdenum (Mo): 0.2 g/l (0.02% w/v)
Copper (Cu): 0.15 g/l (0.015% w/v)
Cobalt (Co): 0.05 g/l (0.005% w/v)
pH: 9.0

w/v* - weight/volume


  • Intensifies physiological processes inside a plant.

  • Increases nutrients absorption by plants.

  • Stimulates phytoalexins production

  • Nourishes plants by available form of microelements, guarantees a heavy and high-quality yields.

  • Stimulates growth and development of all plants.
  • Improves cells division.

  • Speeds up respiration of plants.

  • Enhances plants photosynthesis.

  • The composition does not contain any synthetic complexing agents.

Timing and recommended rates of application

Shake well before use. The working solution is prepared by diluting the original concentrate in water.

Compatible with many pesticides and mineral fertilizers. If applying in blend with pesticides, the product should be dissolved last. It is recommended to conduct a test on the product compatibility with pesticides.
In foliar application it is recommended to use sufficient amount of water (minimum 300 l of water per ha).

Pre-sowing treatment

Seeds, tubers, bulbs, etc.
0.5–1.5 l/t.
Minimum dilution 1:100

Foliar spraying
(application rates are governed by plant size)

All crops.
80−120 ml/100 l of water; 1−2 l/ha
(3−5 applications or every two weeks during vegetation period).

Other types of treatment

Fertigation, soil.
10−20 l/ha
(2−3 applications: at the beginning of vegetative growth, then during periods of the increase in nutritional needs).
Greenhouses, irrigation.
30−60 ml/m³ of water or nutrient solution applied with fertilizers
(3−5 applications: from the beginning of the growth cycle, then during periods of the increase in nutritional needs).

Сheck out the full line of liquid fertilizers by Life Force [17]

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