Organomineral fertilizer with chelated microelements
LFHA 41 5-6-25+ME

Universal water-soluble chlorine-free fertilizer with organic nitrogen and a high concentration of active potassium and phosphorus in the form of an organohumate complex with chelated microelements.

Organic humic substance: 41.0–46.0 %
Total nitrogen (N): 5.0–5.5 %
Phosphorus (P2O5): 6.0–7.0 %
Potassium (K2O): 25.0–27.0 %
Sulfur (S): 0.65 %
Magnesium (MgO): 0.85 %
Iron (Fe): 0.1 %
Manganese (Mn): 0.05 %
Zinc (Zn): 0.03 %
Copper (Cu): 0.02 %
Boron (B): 0.01 %
Molybdenum (Mo): 0.002 %
рН 8.0–9.0

dark brown powder

25 kg / 1 kg
Timing and recommended rates of application

It is used for the cultivation of all types of crops, particularly those sensitive to chlorine (potatoes, grapes, sugar and fodder beet, corn, sunflower, tobacco, vegetables, fruits, berries, legumes, root crops, flowers, lawn grasses, ornamental crops). Ideal for arid regions and soils with low levels of humus, exchangeable potassium and phosphorus. Through regular soil application it enhances fertility, moisture retention, and improves soil structure due to the action of humic acids. It promotes root development, provides antistress effect and UV protection.

Soil (broadcasting on the surface in dry form)
70–150 kg/ha (before sowing or during the growing season divided into several doses).

Soil (irrigation, fertigation)*
20–30 kg/ha during the growing season divided into several doses.

25–50 g/1000 L of nutrient solution during the growing cycle.

Foliar treatment*
100–300 g/ha or 25–50 g/100 L of water, 3–4 times during the growing season.
Dissolve in water (when combining with plant protection products or mineral fertilizers, perform a compatibility test. Pre-dissolve in water and add to the tank mixture last).

* When used in liquid form, additional filtration of the working solution may be required.

  • Boosts soil biological activity and enhances nutrients uptake by plant roots, particularly nitrogen.

  • Increases crop yield.

  • Improves quality and taste characteristics.

  • Enhances photosynthesis and enzyme system activity.

  • Promotes the synthesis of protein compounds.

  • Raises starch content in potato tubers, as well as vitamin C and pectin levels in fruits and berries.

  • Positively impacts the ornamental properties of flowers.

  • Stimulates the formation of nodules in legumes.

    a line of water-soluble organo-mineral and micronutrient fertilizers

    based on humic and fulvic acids from leonardite
    with a high content of minerals for plant nutrition

    A distinctive feature of LFHA fertilizers is the impact on the "Soil-Plant" system in three directions at once:

    • As mineral and micronutrient fertilizers
    • Plant growth and root formation stimulator
    • Soil conditioner

    LFHA organo-mineral fertilizers are non-dusting powder or pellets which contains about 35-50% of humic and fulvic acids from leonardite (in the form of potassium humate) and a high content of mineral elements including micronutrients. Depending on the type, it is possible to use fertilizers for soil application, in fertigation and hydroponics systems, for seed and planting material treatment, as well as for foliar (leaf) treatments.

    All plants nutrients contained in these fertilizers, such as nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, sulfur, calcium, sodium, magnesium, iron, manganese, zinc, copper, boron, molybdenum, cobalt are balanced to optimize the physiological processes in the plant and are developed in an accessible (water-soluble) for plant roots form.

    All micronutrients are presented in the form of a complex with humic and fulvic acids, which protects them from removal and transformation into insoluble forms with other elements in the soil. So, controlled release allows to apply these products at any stage of plant development.
    Unlike traditional mineral and microelement fertilizers, which can be phytotoxic and can have a negative impact on the soil and environment, LFHA organo-mineral fertilizers do not contain any synthetic chelating agents (for example, such as: EDTA) and, apart from supplying the plant with nutrients due to the humic substances, also contribute to improving soil structure and fertility, providing moisture to the root system, increasing the activity of soil biota.

    LFHA organic fertilizers applied to the soil are ideal for plants cultivation and for gaining of a rich yield in dry regions and soils with poor organic matter content. The application allows to:

    • Reduce the number of irrigations
    • Improve the coefficient of nutrients absorption by plant roots from the soil
    • Increase productivity and quality characteristics

    Application rates of LFHA organomineral fertilizers are calculated based on the removal and consumption of mineral nutrients: N, P, K, S, Ca, Mg according to the recommendations for the use of traditional mineral fertilizers containing these elements, but with the possibility to reduce the dosage by 20-30% (excluding nitrogen fertilizers). When used in mix with nitrogen fertilizers (ammonium nitrate, carbamide), the amount of nitrogen fertilizers can be reduced by 15-25%.
    Life Force is honored to be a member
    of the following international organic associations.
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